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Liquid - Our Christmas Challange

This month we looked at Christmas and the gifts we give. Jesus is the ultimate gift at Christmas he came to earth so that we can be redeemed. But what can we give at Christmas? we decided we probably wouldn't like frankincense or myrrh although Gold may be a option!

At Christmas time often we are consumed by buying nice things, receiving nice gifts and trapped in a consumer world however there a gifts worth more than money! We can give time, friendship and a cup of tea to those who find the season hard. The young people in response to the talk made a list of what they would like for Christmas there were the usual video games but there was a more suprising group of answers including time with family, a hug, and new friends.

So here is my challange to you what can you give this Christmas that will bring the love of God alive to those you meet?

We look forward to resuming liquid in the new year! January 17th 2016 keep the date in your diarys and come along for more fun food and fellowship!

'And the first timeThat You opened Your eyes did You realize that You would be my Savior? And the first breath that left Your lipsDid You know that it would change this world forever?' Relient K

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all the Liquid Team

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