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Easter Experience

It is Easter week again for us at MTT!

Kirstine, Fliss,Val, Emily and Simon are joined by other volunteers to spread the Good news of the Easter story. This year we are going beyond the Cross and telling a story that hasn't ended yet!

On Monday we spent the afternoon at Stobhillgate first school with year 3&4 children, Tuesday almost 80 children walked from Morpeth All Saints to St James Church and on Wednesday we went to Abbeyfields school to spend time with the year 4 children.

We introduced the time with a thought about what Easter means and what we think of: Eggs, Chocolate and Chicks!

We thought about New Life and introduced the story about Jesus being different and not doing what the Religious Leaders wanted or thought he should. They got very Jealous and managed to get a disciple to help them to arrest him and kill him. We then spend a moment thinking about out lives, are we sometimes jealous, do we disobey our teachers / parents etc. We then have a time to allow us to say we are sorry. Then it is the Resurrection story - with actions(!) and they finish with a song to the tune of "If you're happy and you know it!" - see other blog!

Then it is activity time - half the group go to do a craft making a "Holy week " wheel and the other half work around 3 prayer stations, or colour in some bunting for the school and do wordsearches.

Back together for an "Open the Book" style story about the frightened disciples meeting Jesus in the upper room and then on the beach for fish. This involves groups of children acting out the parts.

The 3 prayer stations involve out lovely ducks for Thank you prayers, a cross and post it notes to say sorry and personal handprint prayers to pray for people we love.

The children swap places and then we have a few minutes back together at the end. The time finishes with the ascension story and Pentecost, linking it in to say the story hasn't ended - even 2000 years later - we are still telling the story and continuing to be a part of it.

Thanks to our lovely volunteers and to the schools for allowing us to spend this time with their great kids!

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